

The making of an eider duck parka
[Nancy Palliser, Avataq]

Every year the Pukik Cultural Committee makes something that “shows of our Culture”. At the moment, they just completed a project which involved making an Eider Duck Parka (Qulitaq). Although the people of Nunavik never used this kind before, the committee wanted to show that there are different kinds of clothing that you can use to keep yourself warm during winter.

This project was funded by the Ungaluk Safer Communities, integrated with the "Let's Make Our Culture Visible" project.

The skin was first dried, cleaned and treated with a softener. Elisapi Nutaraq and Elisapi Inukpuk have been sewing the parka at the Avataq office in Inukjuak. People were invited to watch them working and to learn from it. The parka will be exposed at the Daniel Weetaluktuk museum.


1. Elisapi Nutaraq and Elisapi Inukpuk.

2. Here we have Elisapi Nutaraq starting to cut, with Elisapi Inukpuk telling her how to do it.
Jonah Kalai and Emily Nastapoka are watching.

3. Here we have Elisapie Nutaraq (after she had cut) and Elisapi Inukpuk starting to work on the arms.
Nancy Palliser and Rhoda Kokiapik watching.

4. The completed parka

Homes and camps on the land today

New technology is everywhere—in stoves, knives, saws, mattresses, sleeping bags. But we still build igloos. It’s easier to survive now. There are quite a few cabins we can go to that belong to the communities. They’re located near fishing sites. People who go out hunting or trapping still use these camps. After a full day of fishing, you’re tired, you have no time to build an igloo unless you have no choice. We still do it, but mainly for tourists.
Noah Annahatak, Inuk


1-5. Kangiqsujuaq
Photographs : Laurent Jérôme